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Rajib Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic College and Hospital

  • BELLEY SANKARPUR, Panpur More, P.O. : Kushdanga, Pin Code : 743126, Dist. : 24 Parganas (N), West Bengal

  • College Overview
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  • 5
  • ★★★★★
  • WBNC


The development of the indigenous system on the foundation of a contemporary, cutting-edge international institute in Bengal is one of the objectives of the B.S. Rajib Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic Society. Since the 10th century A.D., Bengal had led India. Unfortunately, due to unavoidable circumstances, we have lost the glorious tradition.
After A Long Struggle, The Society Could Start An Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital In The Nostalgic Field And Remote Village Which Is Free From Polluted Area. The Inherent Dream Is To Build A Man-Made Hill, Natural Boating, Ayurvedic Medical Plants Surrounding The Patient, And A Healthy Atmosphere.
After receiving a no-objection certificate from the West Bengal government, proper affiliation from the University of Calcutta, and overall approval from the C.C.I.M., New Delhi (The Autonomous Parliamentary Body Of The Indian System Of Medicine), Department Of Health And Family Welfare Government Of India, Kj. Nani Gopal Sarkar, A Well-Known Advocate For Promoting Education In West Bengal Villages, the education and research were launched.


  1. The examination for the degree of Ayurvedacharya (B.A.M.S) shall be held twice in a year at the Calcutta University at such time and on such schedule fixed by the Controller of Examination, West Bengal University of Health Sciences.
  2. Teaching for the first professional examination must take up one and a half years of study time. Next 1.5 years for the second professor and the following 1.5 years for the third professional.
  3. Proffession teaching contains three semesters with propoer intervals, the Degree of B.A.M.S shall only be awarded after sucessful completion of B.A.M.S course and on completion of Intership Training of One Year.

(Note : If the student has satisfactorily completed the ordinary course of study in the subject under consideration as duly confirmed by the head of the department, only such student will be permitted to appear in any subject in any professional Examination. He/ She attend at least 75% of classses factually held during the session)




3rd Floor, City Heights 40/C, Jessore Road, Dak Bunglow More, Next to PC Chandra Jewellers, Kolkata - 700124

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