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Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology

  • KIIT Road, Patia, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751024

  • College Overview
  • |
  • 5
  • ★★★★★

To create a state-of-the-art, high-performance professional learning centre that is renowned globally, where the quest of knowledge and genius is unbounded by barriers relating to nationality, language, cultural diversity, and religion.


Providing a superior quality, values-centered education that meets with international standards, fosters problem-solving abilities, and fosters an international perspective on the world.

Developing leadership abilities with a vision for the future.

Fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and a feeling of social responsibility.

Promote the incorporation of morality, ethics, and ethical conduct at work.

Establishing a lifelong learning habit.

Fostering and expanding the inventiveness of research.

Maintaining contact with businesses and other utility sectors while staying current on evolving technology


With only two employees and 12 students, KIIT began as a vocational training facility in 1992. But it wasn't until 1997, when the degree engineering programme began, that it really began to take shape as an institution. Prof. Achyuta Samanta, the creator of KIIT, had the idea to establish a university for the good of society despite having no property, limited money (only Rs. 5000), and little experience in higher education. Since its modest origins, KIIT has grown into a renowned organisation with a strong interdisciplinary culture and a dedication to top-notch education.

Ranking and Recognition

KIIT has done exceptionally well in the ranks of numerous national and international organisations, while being a relatively new institution. The Ministry of Human Resources Development of the Government of India gave it university status under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, seven years after it was created in 1992, in 2004. It has five years of experience as a hub of higher education. This accomplishment has a Limca Record attached to it.


3rd Floor, City Heights 40/C, Jessore Road, Dak Bunglow More, Next to PC Chandra Jewellers, Kolkata - 700124

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