The ICSE and ISE school is already administered by the East West Model School Education Society, that has done so with pride and honour for many years. Its talented and experienced students are now serving across the world. Despite the government of India and state governments' repeated insistence that trained nurses be engaged so that the public can be serviced more effectively and scientifically thanks to their expertise with cutting-edge methods, many health organisations, both public and commercial, function without them.
The government of West Bengal is making an effort, like that of other Indian states, to privatise its healthcare system in order to expand its reach. As a result, graduate nurses are essential to provide the care that the public expects. The state must set up nursing colleges in both the public and private sectors to prepare competent nurses for the states. In light of this, the East West Model School Education Society suggested the creation of a School and College of Nursing (G.N.M. & B.Sc), and it is anticipated that the Nursing School and College will hold its inaugural session in 2020.
Modern nursing is a dynamic, therapeutic, and educational process for addressing the health needs of the individual, family, and community. Nursing is the only health profession that considers a person as a whole person in a family, including their physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual components. Students are supported by a planned study programme in their efforts to develop personally and to apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to work as competent professional nurses in the health-focused field of nursing.
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